Fire Performers/ Angle Grinding

We supply solo artists or fully choreographed shows in fire & angle grinding including Steen & Toni performing incredible acrobatic lifts while spinning fire & angle grinding.

A spectacular show to leave the audience with their hearts in their mouths.

The artists use fire staffs, double staffs, poi, body burning, fire blowing and much more. . ostume to fit your Theme,

Members of the "Guinness Book of Records" for Fire.

Dragon eye fire show. This show is performed by a group of highly trained (not to mention highly insured!), fire artists. Each, a true master with his or her own skills.

They use contemporary inspiration and the element of fire is presented in a multitude of forms to create a blend of light and dance. With Professional stunt artists & members of the Guinness Book of Records for fire performing, this show is designed with the Wow factor in mind.

Our 4-6 person fire show includes a variety of exciting fiery tools and techniques, including, acrobatics, highly skilled fire stunts, stage pyrotechnics, and displays of dance and martial arts. If you wish we can add contortion and aerial. The show has been fully choreographed to music and lasts 15mins. The artists create together really stunning effects throughout and ends with a real Spectacular finale!