Gordon Ramsey Lookalike – Martin Jordan

Martin is an experienced lookalike and impersonator, who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent 2010, as part of The Chippendoubles variety act. He has appeared on shows for the BBC, CHANNEL 4, and ITV as well as being used in the filming of 3 sets of promotional TV adverts for CHANNEL 4, working alongside Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Heston Blumenthal and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

Martin is available for Press and Magazine advertising, Schools, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Shopping centres, Nightclubs, Street promotions, and Food events at the Excel London and the NEC Birmingham, as well as appearing at Weddings, Barmitzvahs, and Birthday parties. SHOW APPEARANCESGordon Ramsay’s Cookalong live show Big Brother live evictionBritain’s Got Talent GMTVChris Moyles Quiz Nite Weakest link...lookalike special Martin isthe Winner of the August 2010 lookalike competition hosted by the METRO newspaper on behalf of Gordon Ramsay’s Seriously good sauce campaign for Comic Relief.