Jim Naylor – Caricaturist UK

Category: Caricaturist

One entertainer much in demand is Jim Naylor, the caricaturist who, as well as preparing studio portraits from photographs for books, magazines, calendars and special presentations (he was selected to draw one to commemorate Denis Compton's 70th birthday) is also one of only a handful of caricaturists who love to work live, inviting onlookers to watch the progress of his amusing portraits over his shoulder - an ideal way of Drawing a Crowd!

In addition to performing at Royal Command for His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, he has worked on TV, in hotels and restaurants, exhibition halls and museums, golf courses and race courses, ballrooms and river boats, a castle and Dickens & Jones' shop window in Regent Street.

His engagements take him all over the UK from Cardiff to Margate, Glasgow to the Channel Islands.

Jim Naylor offers prospective clients the opportunity to promote their product, logo, choice of venue, date of event and so on to make their souvenir Naylor portraits even more memorable.

Prepared in advance, all the above plus extra inscriptions can be included with the predrawn body (male/female/unisex) with space strategically left for adding the sitter's head 'live on the night'.

Why not use the chance to commemorate your involvement?Remember that each year thousands of Jim Naylor's portraits are treasured and adorn the walls of the famous and influential.