Jimmy Darch – After Dinner Speaker, Comedian

Category: Comedians

Jimmy Darch The After Dinner Comedian! One naturally funny Guy!

Jimmy Darch is a head line act on a mission, one naturally funny man. “His approach of attack and sharp wit set him apart from other comics”

THE STAGE. A charismatic performer Jim commands a room with a professional aggression and cutting wit. His presence is immediate, and his humour “spit you beer out funny!” Mr L Edmondson IOW Council

Jim Darch has the ability to fill a room with his sheer presence, and create an atmosphere second to none! He’s Big; he’s charismatic and very cheeky. People up and down the age ladder, employment Ladder and any other ladder will all be chuckling Within minutes of his appearance. With his wealth of rip roaring material,in the last year Jim has performed World wide, bringing laughter to various Premiership football clubs nationwide and our former Priminister Tony Blair.

These days Jims work is very diverse, performing for the military in the UK and overseas, professional football clubs nationwide, corporate engagements of many descriptions and Hotels and Holiday Centres worldwide. He is a polished, sophisticated and professional artiste with the gift of a sharp mind and a very quick tongue. Darchy sees the funny side of every situation and takes the crowd along for the ride, whoever they may be, from families to adults and all male audiences Jims successful consistency goes before him, and he leaves the audience wanting more.

Working to many specifications Jim’s comedy may be performed as a stand up after dinner comedian, a stand up stage show, a cabaret act including audience participation and vocals, TV warm up, character actor or as a presenter/compere.

“Year after year you provide our clients with Professional first class entertainment, people just keep wanting more!”Sir James Hoeseason OBE.

Jims popularity just keeps growing, “Jim Darch was fantastic, a real crowd pleaser, can we book him again for next year” South of England Agricultural Show.

From Tony Blair and the labour Party to The Chelsea Legends, Haven Holidays to The Devere Belfry, The RAF to a Masonic lodge, Darchy is versatile, adaptable and above all brilliant at what he does.

Jim is available for hire in the following genres:

Stand Up Comedian After Dinner Comedian Cabaret Artiste Compere Presenter