Keith The Thief – Pickpocket

Keith the thief Charnley has established a reputation as the finest stage pickpocket in Britain.Good pickpocket acts are rare but Keith is unique , in that he can work in any venue without the use of stooges ( either close-up or stand-up - or both in the same evening)and his innovative comic skills and quick fire ad-libs enable him to improvise in any situation. His busy performance schedule has taken him all over Europe and the UK and as far afield as cruise liners on the Mediterranean and the Caribbean ; as well as bookings by the best hotels , clubs and restaurants for conventions, corporate functions and trade shows. He also has many theatre and television appearances to his credit as well as theme parties and crime prevention seminars ( even leading a 'dipping team' at Gatwick Airport to demonstrate how easily members of the public can lose valuables to a professional team). Keith is an impressive act of spontaneous visual comedy that crosses language barriers and provides a unique entertainment experience, whether as an after-dinner speaker, close-up performer or speciality act.